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  • Dante/Beatrice Dante/Beatrice



    duo of scented candles, celebrates great lovers throughout the ages. Dante and Beatrice. Italian fig scent pays homage to their historic partnership: Dante fell in love at first sight and thought of Beatrice as a divine and noble angel.

  • New Orleans 500ml New Orleans 500ml

    New Orleans 500ml


    New Orleans a blended with fruits accents and higlighted by the sweet cinnamon, honey and vanilla. 20h diffusion-80 hours of fragrance. 500 ml (16.9 oz.) home fragrance. Composition: fragrances, aqua, isopropyl alcohol.

  • Sakura Blossom Drawer Paper Sakura Blossom Drawer Paper

    Sakura Blossom Drawer Paper


    Six perforated cards in 2 patterns. Each card is 9" wide x 5.875" tall. Sakura Blossom is a balancing combination of apple, citrus and heliotrope. Drawer Sheets are a wonderful way to fragrance your world. They are versatile, and can be used in your car,...

  • Cardamom and Coffee Drawer Papers Cardamom and Coffee Drawer Papers

    Cardamom and Coffee Drawer Papers


    Six perforated cards in 2 patterns. Each card is 9" wide x 5.875" tall. Madagascar Vanilla is an intoxicating and soothing vanilla, punctuated with sultry bourbon notes. Drawer Sheets are a wonderful way to fragrance your world. They are versatile, and...

  • Peppermint and Sea Salt Drawer Papers Peppermint and Sea Salt Drawer Papers

    Peppermint and Sea Salt Drawer Papers


    Six perforated cards in 2 patterns. Each card is 9" wide x 5.875" tall. Peppermint Sea Salt is a fresh, invigorating scent that will invigorate and inspire! Drawer Sheets are a wonderful way to fragrance your world. They are versatile, and can be used...